Van digitaal naar analoog
A lot of people have problems
with their digital instrument cluster in the Z31. Problems arise because of bad
transistors, faulty solder joints, and poor connections to name a few. A lot of
people can and do fix their digital instrument cluster, only to have them go out
again. My biggest peeve about the digital instrument cluster is the inability to
read the thing when the sun is shining on it. And since I live in Arizona and
rarely drive with the tops on, this creates a huge problem for trying to see how
fast I'm going. So I've decided to swap to the analog instrument cluster. This
is not a complex job, but it will require some time and patience. I'll try to
list all the parts required, but I may miss a few. This is what I used for
installing an 84-86 cluster into my 50th AE. Installing the 87-89 cluster should
be similar.
Two big things to note. You
will lose the compass and accelerometer. The auto climate control is seperate
and requires a lot more to "swap".
Tools Required:
- 10mm socket
- 12mm socket
- 14mm socket
- mm socket
- socket wrench
- various length extensions
- #2 Phillips screwdriver
- #3 Phillips screwdriver
- Small flathead
- Steering wheel puller
Parts Needed: (part
numbers apply to 84-86 style cluster)
- Main Instrument cluster
assembly (speed-o, tach, fuel, temp and warning lights)
Don't forget:
- Cluster rear trim
(25031 = 24812-01P03)
- Clear plastic cover
(25010M = 25813-01P00)
- Cluster front trim
(25010 = 25811-01P00)
- Center pod cluster
assembly (Z31 fiche page 3-L3)

- Cluster/dash wiring
harness (24013-01P05)
- Speedometer cable
- Analog fuel level sending
- Zip Ties
Time Required:
- Remove the battery ground cable!
- Remove the lower ducting
on the driver's side. This is the large duct that feeds the drivers left
face vent.
- Remove the side combo
switches by removing the 10mm nut on the back and bottom of each side. Then
carefully pry the top down and out.
- Remove the instrument
clusters from the dash board.
- Remove the passenger side
ducting from the dash board.
- Remove the wiring harness
from the dash board. Try to save the retaining clips if at all possible.
- Install the new wiring
harness. If the retaining clips broke, Zip Ties will be able to substitute.
- Re-install the passenger
side ducting.
- From inside the car, feed
the speedometer cable through the dash support brace and out through the
hole in the firewall. Make sure the seal is good.
- Connect the cable to the
original pinion assembly at the transmission.
- Install the new
instrument clusters and cluster switches in the dash.
- At this point, re-install
the dash leaving off the lower driver's side of the dash, the column
switches, and the steering wheel.
- Reach up from below the
dash and hook the speedometer cable up to the instrument cluster.
- Test to be sure all the
lights and everything works by turning the key to the "ON" position. If all
the warning lights come on, turn the car on. If the tach works, you're in
- Reinstall the driver's
air duct, and finish the lower dash install.
- Reinstall the combo
switches and the steering wheel.