Rebuilding lifters
Written by Sean
Tuesday, 30 March
1) So your engine has that
familiar lifter tick that sounds like someone is inside it with a hammer.
Inside the lifter is a small check valve that is leaking, the oil inside the
lifter leaks out. When you start the engine up the oil pressure pumps the
lifter back up and the ticking stops. This is providing that you don’t have
low oil pressure and need a complete rebuild or new oil pump. Most of the
oil inside the lower portion of the lifter has been in there since day one.
To get started you need to
remove the valve covers.
2) Next step is to remove the
rocker arm assembly from the head. Don’t get them mixed up, they need to go
back on in the same position they came off.
3) Put the rocker arms some
place where they won’t get mixed
4) Now it’s time to get down
to business. You will need the following tools:
- Small C-clamp
- Tooth pick
- Dentist pick or similar
- 30 weight oil
- Squirt bottle of alcohol
- Clean rags
- Small screwdriver
- Can to dump old oil and
alcohol into
Remove the lifter housing and
move it to a clean place on your workbench. Don’t let the lifters drop out,
they need to go back into the same location.
5) Only work on one lifter at
a time. To disassemble the lifter you pop the C-clip out. Don’t loose it,
Nissan doesn’t sell them, they want to sell you a new lifter. The local
hardware store should have C-clips that will be similar. You might need to
compress the lifter to get the C-clip out, just keep your finger on top of
the lifter so the C-clip doesn’t go flying.
6) After you take the C-Clip
out, take the lifter apart and clean all of the parts. To get part #3 out
you will need to use a toothpick to push the ball bearing (check valve) down
and then lift it out with the toothpick held at an angle.

7) From the photo above you
see the C-clip, then the top part #4 that will come out easily after the
C-clip is removed. The next part #3 has the ball bearing in the base of it
inside the little nipple that is at the bottom. After you have it apart
clean everything with alcohol. Squirt alcohol into the check valve from both
sides to clean out any junk that may have been causing it not to close and
your lifter to bleed down and make lots of noise when you start your engine.
8) After everything
is clean you need to check if the part (#3) with the check valve is OK. Fill
this with alcohol and make sure that it doesn’t leak out the bottom. If it
does, you need a new lifter. After all parts are clean and dry it’s time to
reassemble the lifter. Do it in this order.
8a) Put the spring
(#2) into the lifter (#1).
8b) Fill #1 with
30-weight oil to ¼” of the top. You need to keep your finger on the hole on
the side of the lifter housing.
8c) Put #3 into the
top of the lifter (#1) and then get your toothpick and press the ball
bearing down so the oil in the lifter can come up through it. Push SLOWLY
down on #3 as this part goes down into the lifter base.
8d) Now it’s time to
put #4 into #1. With #1 vertical and your finger still on the side hole,
place #4 into the top of the lifter until oil starts to come out of the hole
in #4.
8e) Now tip the lifter
(#1) on it’s side with the hole in it’s body up. Have the hole in #4 also up.
Push #4 into the lifter and any air and some oil will escape from the hole
in the lifter body.
8f) Now you will need
to compress the lifter with the C-clamp to get the C-clip in. Use a rag or
wood so you don’t scratch the lifter. Keep compressing the lifter until you
can feel the C-clip groove with your dentists pick. Put the C-clip in. Use
a small flat blade screwdriver to pop it into place.
9) Your done. It only
took about me about 1 hour to do 6 lifters after I had the lifters out of
the head. These pictures are from an 88 NA. Don’t forget to oil everything
before you put it back together.
10) Now do the other
head, when you’re done sit back with a cold beer and think about the $300
plus you didn’t have to spend! Turbo lifters should be similar, but I have
never seen them.
11) When you start your engine up for the first time, don’t be surprised
if you hear some lifter noise for a few seconds while the oil pressure
builds up. This is normal, when you were assembling the lifter it is nearly
impossible to get all of the air out. As the oil pressure build up, the air
will be forced out.